Our references in Agro industry
The TEREOS SYRAL Group entrusted IPSB with the mission of Project Owner Assistance for the study and follow-up of the construction of a new pre-evaporation workshop at its HAUSSIMONT site.
The TEREOS group entrusted IPSB with the mission of Project Owner Assistance for the modification of its diffusion, purification and evaporation workshop on its CONNANTRE site.
The firm CRISTAL UNION entrusted to IPSB a mission of Project Management for setting up a water tube boiler on the CORBEILLES EN GATINAIS sugar plant site.
The firm Société Vermandoise Industries (SVI) entrusted IPSB with the mission of Project Owner Assistance to study and follow-up the renovation works of its 1st and 2nd strike centrifugation workshops.
The TEREOS Group entrusted IPSB with the mission of Project Owner Assistance to study and follow-up the modernization works and recommissioning of the BENP distillery dedicated to the production of wheat alcohol.
The firm Société Vermandoise Industries (SVI) entrusted IPSB with the mission of studying and following up the construction of the storage silo No. 2 extension to raise its capacity to 116 000 tons.
The firm SAINT LOUIS SUCRE, Marseille site, entrusted IPSB with the mission of Project Management for its energy efficiency improvement plan and for extracting and refining brown sugar.
The COSUMAR Group entrusted to IPSB detailed studies to convert the Ouled Ayad sugar plant production from brown sugar to white sugar.
The Compagnie Sucrière Sénégalaise (CSS) entrusted IPSB with the mission of Project Owner Assistance for the study and construction of a bagasse combustible thermal power plant (100 thermal MW and 25 electric MW).
The CRISTAL UNION Group entrusted IPSB with the mission of Project Owner Assistance and of Project Management for the construction of a beet-based ethanol production plant on a new site
The CRISTAL UNION Group entrusted IPSB with the mission of Project Owner Assistance and of Project Management for the construction of a wheat-based ethanol production plant on a SEVESO site.