Administrative studies
IPSB offers the competence and know-how of its engineers to support you in preparing urban planning approval and “classified for environmental protection installations” (ICPE) applications and to assist you in your exchanges with administrative agencies throughout the examination procedure and until the required authorizations are obtained.
Whether it is a question of a new industrial project or of an existing installation, ISPB’s Industrial Risks Team will accompany you through administrative procedures:
- Analysis of environmental and regulatory constraints
- Preliminary implantation studies
- Preparation of required urbanism and ICPE dossiers
- Participation in exchanges with administrative agencies
- Assistance in obtaining the required administrative authorizations

With more than 10 years’ experience and collaboration with administrative agencies, our engineers have recognized know-how in preparing the following studies:
- ICPE (Installations Classées pour la Protection de l’Environnement – Projects requiring environmental impact assessment) dossiers
- Operating license applications
- Declaration and Declaration Modifications
- Registration
- Danger studies and Risk analysis (Bow Tie, FMECA, HAZOP)
- Activity Close-down Notification dossiers and Site Closure dossiers
- Re-examination and technico-economic studies on the basis of Best Available Techniques
- Internal Operations Plans
- Urbanism dossiers (construction and demolition permits)
Reflecting our concern with the quality of our studies and the specificity of our advice, our administrative dossiers are based on the most recent regulations (ministerial decrees, European Directives, industry state-of-the-art guidelines, BREF, industrial accidentology, etc.), continually tracked by our engineers.
In addition, our departments are equipped with governmental agency accredited 2D and 3D modelling software to evaluate the consequences of accident scenarios (fires, explosions, etc.).